Anti-bribery Policy
»Æ¹ÏÊÓƵ & Guilds is committed to the highest ethical standards of conduct and integrity in its business activities in the UK and overseas. »Æ¹ÏÊÓƵ & Guilds takes a zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption and as such it prohibits anyone working for or on behalf of the organisation from offering, promising, giving, seeking or accepting bribery in any form. The organisations that we do business with must have anti-bribery policies in place, or conform to the »Æ¹ÏÊÓƵ & Guilds Anti-Bribery Policy.
Read the Anti-Bribery Policy (for contractors)
Read the Anti-Bribery Policy (for employees and trustees)
Anti-Slavery, Human Trafficking Policy and Modern Slavery Annual Statement
»Æ¹ÏÊÓƵ & Guilds will undertake thorough checks to ensure that none of the organisations which we work with engage in any form of slavery or human trafficking in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015. »Æ¹ÏÊÓƵ & Guilds will publish an annual statement on our website which sets out the steps we have taken each year to prevent slavery and human trafficking within our business and supply chain.
Read the Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy
Read the Anti-Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement
Carbon Reduction Plan
As a responsible business, »Æ¹ÏÊÓƵ & Guilds is committed to being an environmentally sustainable organisation. This carbon reduction plan gives a snapshot of our current emissions, and our future plans to reduce our emissions to Zero.
Read the Carbon Reduction Plan
»Æ¹ÏÊÓƵ & Guilds 1966 pension scheme: Chairman’s governance statement / Statement of investment principles
Chairman's DC Governance Statement
Every year the Trustee of the »Æ¹ÏÊÓƵ and Guilds (1966) Pension Scheme is required to prepare a statement showing how the Scheme’s Defined Contribution investments have been governed over the year and whether they represent good value.
Read the current Chairman’s DC Governance Statement
Statement of Investment Principles
The Trustee has a Statement of Investment Principles (SIP). This confirms their aims and objectives in relation to default funds and other financially material considerations, including Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Changes.
(December 2023) Statement of Investment Principles (PDF)
(November 2022) Statement of Investment Principles (PDF)
Implementation Statement
The Trustee must provide evidence that the Scheme continues to act on the principles outlined in the SIP with a focus on stewardship activities, implementation of the investment principles and ESG issues. You can find this on the link below:
(March 2024) Implementation Statement (PDF)
(September 2021) Implementation Statement (PDF)
(April 2023) Implementation Statement (PDF)
Supplier Code of Conduct
It is the policy to operate to the highest standards of integrity and ethics. We requires our suppliers to adhere to similar standards and promote them throughout their supply chain.
Read the Supplier Code of Conduct
Whistleblowing Policy
»Æ¹ÏÊÓƵ & Guilds’ commitment to the highest standards of conduct and integrity requires honesty and integrity in all areas of the business and a culture of openness between all staff, third parties, customers and contractors.
We encourage those that have any concerns about suspected wrongdoing or malpractice within »Æ¹ÏÊÓƵ & Guilds come forward and voice those concerns in accordance with our Whistleblowing Policy. This policy applies to all people working for »Æ¹ÏÊÓƵ & Guilds in any capacity, and to our suppliers.
Read the Whistleblowing Policy
Environmental Policy
At »Æ¹ÏÊÓƵ & Guilds we are committed to Net Zero. Our ambition is to reduce our carbon emissions by at least 50% before 2030, and develop environmentally responsible operations to achieve Net Zero by 2040 or sooner if we can.
Our commitments go beyond compliance and risk management; we believe that we have a unique responsibility to help deliver the Green Industrial Revolution’s promise of higher paid skilled jobs and sustainable growth for all. And we are creating a clear pathway that will engage our colleagues and suppliers not just to meet our targets but to be inspired and equipped to create new products for net zero, green and inclusive skills development.
This policy applies to all people working for »Æ¹ÏÊÓƵ & Guilds in any capacity, and to our suppliers.
Read the Environmental Policy